About On Demand Training

Tēnā koe


On behalf of all tutors and staff, I am pleased to welcome you to the On Demand Training whānau. I hope you feel warmly welcomed here. 


At ODT we are all about helping you achieve results towards a future career in transport and logistics. We believe passionately that education is one of the key factors in helping people be successful in life. 


The team here at ODT are dedicated and passionate about creating a supportive and caring environment that enables you to learn new skills and develop as a person.  


We are committed to working closely with you and look forward to getting to know you and inspiring you to achieve positive steps towards further education and employment.   


Kawa (values) are a key part of what makes ODT a great place to be. It’s important that you ‘buy into’ these and our Code of Conduct, to ensure your outcomes at ODT are positive. 



Kia kaha! 

Stella (Kosta) James 

Managing Director 

On Demand Training 

3. Kaupapa & Tikanga