Pre-Study Modules
Forklift (OSH)
Hapaitia te ara tika pumau ai te rangatiratanga mo nga uri whakatipu
Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations
The pre-study modules will help you prepare for your course. The idea of these modules is to give you an introduction to the content so you are familiar with some of terms and concepts you will learn.
If you are short on time, scroll down to the watch short videos & readings.
If you have time on your hands, scroll to the different study modules which will take you through the videos and allow you to answer questions as you go.
Study Modules
Complete each of the following modules in order:
Stability & centre of gravity (15mins)
Forklift stability triangle (20mins)
Forklift capacity & load centre (15mins)
Reading forklift load charts (25mins)
The forklift inching pedal (6mins)
General knowledge & Vocab (6mins) Note: complete this after you have mastered the first six modules.
Each module is automatically marked when you submit it completed. You can look at your results and see what you need to do some more study.
You can do these modules as many times as you like.
Short videos & readings
Watch the videos below to get an understanding of the different topics.
Forklift Stability
Forklift stability triangle (1:48min)
How much can a forklift lift?
Forklift capacity & load centre (6.21min)
How to read forklift load charts (9.52min)
Forklift controls
Forklift pedals (1 page diagram with explanations - take note of the inching pedal)
Inching pedal (4:00min) Note this video is not about a forklift inch pedal - but the idea is the same.